Kilohearts has announced the release of two new content banks by sound designer, fractal artist, and quality assurance specialist Adrian Dybowski aka Navi Retlav.

Circling delivers a collection of 50 presets for the Phase Plant software synthesizer.

The inspiration for this bank came from a variety of sources through several decades. Classic video games, movies, and synth designs all feed into the circle, and spin the wheel of sound ever faster.

Each sound in this content bank is lovingly crafted through the prism of years of experiment, experience, and excitement, and offers a wild and wonderful range of sonic possibilities. From angry, demonic basses to heavenly bells, Circling is a collection with no beginning, and no end.

Impulse Control includes a selection of 100 impulse responses for the Convolver convolution reverb plugin, alongside 5 presets for Multipass, 5 presets for Snap Heap, and 12 Phase Plant presets.

Not only are there 100 new impulse responses to use in Convolver – short and long ambiences, delays, and glitchy audio journeys to send your material through, Navi has crafted a huge range of educational, demonstrative, and useful presets, both for Convolver and for the Kilohearts host plugins.

Convolution need no longer be a mystery, nor a small obscure piece of your audio puzzle. It’s time to make convolution front-and-centre in your workflow, and crucial to your creative vision!

The content banks are on sale at a 50% introductory discount until June 1st, 2023. The new expansions are free to Kilohearts subscribers.

More information: Kilohearts