Kilohearts has announced the release of its latest Content Bank series expansion Microwave Proof by Camellia, a collection of 67 presets for the Phase Plant software synthesizer.

“Excessive energy” is an assessment used to shout down a person’s inner child. Kilohearts believe inner children should be allowed out to play regularly and with indelible markers.

Camellia’s high tempo fizzling sizzling sounds offer the perfect set of disruptive implements, to cause the most mayhem in the stuffy, turgid “real world” as possible in the least time. There are chippy bleeps and bloops, screamy growly basses, varied and mix-ready FX patches, and some of the most creative leads you’ve heard this side of the moon.

Microwave Proof is the bank for you if you want to burst out of the drudgery of slow, boring, beige music and make some multicolored mess.

The Microwave Proof Content Bank is available for purchase for $29 USD in the Content Bank Shop or, if you are a Kilohearts Subscriber, you can just run your installer and update to add Microwave Proof to your Content Bank collection immediately.

More information: Kilohearts