Welsh’s Synthesizer Cookbook has set the Kitchen Kits: Cookware Percussion sample set free (previously $5.95).
- 680 clean, high-fidelity stereo samples (93 Mb Zip file, 185 Mb uncompressed)
- Over 140 pots, pans, kettles, lids, bowls, containers and more
- Multiple hits: bottoms, sides, rims with mallet and light stick
- Recorded with a Marantz EC-335 split-stereo microphone, 16 bit/44.1 kHz stereo, WAV format
- Photo of each item included for easy identification

Note: the password for the archive is Excelsior (case sensitive).
Visit Welsh’s Synthesizer Cookbook for more information.
This company, “Intelligent Sounds,” needs to team up with “Good Looking GUI’s” because their orange and blue skins look ugly and amateurish.