Klevgrand has announced the released of an update to its drum sampler and percussive workstation specifically designed for one-shots.

Version 1.0.3 of OneShot comes with more slots and various other additions and improvements.

The core concept of OneShot revolves around Slots, that are activated by Triggers. A Slot contains one or multiple audio files, for example a snare with several samples of different velocity. The Triggers are mapped to MIDI notes and contain individual envelopes, humanize settings and more.

A Slot can be activated by several Triggers, and since each Trigger has its own unique settings, you can use the same Slot over several Triggers adding useful variation, including the smart Humanize function which sets how much the playback of the sound should be randomized each time the note is played.

Changes in OneShot v1.0.3

  • 15 → 24 slots: More slots means more drums, and more drums cannot mean anything but awesome.
  • Vel mod attack time: Sneak in softly or enter with a bang? Now you can choose how the velocity will affect attack time.
  • Vel mod filter freq: Open up the filter more depending on how hard you hit.
  • More filter types: Now also including High pass (for that bass drop) and Band pass (for that phone call vibe).
  • Minor adjustments: Small bug fixes and UI tweaks.

The update is free for users of OneShot. Note that presets saved with v1.0.3 will not open in earlier versions of OneShot.

New customers can purchase the plugin for $149.99 USD at the Klevgrand store and from Plugin Boutique.