Kreativ Sounds has released PRO Malström Sounds V2 and PRO SubTractor Sounds V2, two sound banks for Reason synthesizers.
The sound banks feature 150 highly original sounds for Reason’s Malström and SubTractor synthesizers.
Kreativ Sounds has also updated its previously released Malström and SubTractor sound banks.
- PROWaves Malström Sounds is now named PRO Malström Sounds V1 and has been updated to version 1.1 addressing some fixes and adding 22 more patches.
- PROWaves SubTractor Sounds is now named PRO SubTractor Sounds V1 and has been updated to version 1.1 by addressing some fixes and adding 22 more patches.
Both updates are free for previous owners.
Kreativ Salad Reason ReFills are available as “pay-what-you-wish” products, meaning that they cost as much as you want to pay.
Visit Kreativ Sound for more information.