KVR Audio has teamed up with Native Instruments and iZotope for a giveaway of the RX 10 Elements noise reduction and audio repair toolkit.

Hold onto your headphones because KVR Audio is back with another giveaway! Enter to grab your FREE iZotope RX 10 Elements, the magic wand of audio repair and enhancement.

Made for content creators and home studios, iZotope RX Elements is a budget-friendly noise reduction and audio repair toolkit powered by world-class technology. Repair Assistant streamlines the same tools used by the pros to quickly correct common audio issues.

Additionally, participants have a chance of winning Komplete 14 Ultimate Collectors Edition, Native Instruments’ definitive production bundle featuring a huge collection of synths, sampled instruments, effects, and orchestral libraries.

The giveaway ends September 30th, 2023.

More information: KVR Audio