KX77FREE has released version 1.1 of Kx-PolyM-CSE, a free synthesizer instrument for Windows.

Changes in Kx-PolyM-CSE v1.1
- 55 KX’s presets added.
- Now the LFO envelope is reseted correctly like the original.
- No LFO synchronization with the host if the LFO envelope controls the LFO speed, only the host tempo value is used to control the LFO speed.
- Values under the BAR for the envelope synchronization with the host tempo.
- Improvement of the Scope by setting its rate to 15 hz.
- Improvement of x16 files loading when the plug-in is initialized.
- Fixed: Now after a Prg Change the plug-in plays the first MIDI note.
- Fixed: The resonance is decreased following the output of Sv filters to avoid an overflow of these filters when the Noise modulates the Cut off and the resonance level is upper than 8 (SvLp, SvHp, SvBp, SvBr).
The plug-in is a free download for Windows (VST).
More information: KX77FREE