Loopmasters has announced the release of the Ableton Production Bundle, a selection of 5 packs specifically formatted with the Ableton producer in mind.
This Loopmasters discount bundle provides an excellent array of instruments and effects racks that will quickly integrate with your Ableton setup and put a staggering number of samples and ready to play presets at your fingertips. This bundle is at a discounted price for a limited time only.
With the contents of this bundle you’ll be able to quickly access custom-made Sampler Racks from our extensive library including sounds from our artist series, plus enhance your production with custom drum, instrument and effect racks using Abletons powerful sonic tools such as Operator.
This Deal must end soon, so while it lasts get 40% discount on all 5 collections TODAY!
The bundle pack is available for £42.95 GBP.
More information: Loopmasters / Ableton Production Bundle