Momo has announced the release of the MicroKorg Midi Editor controller plugin, a MIDI editor & controller plugin for the Korg microKORG synthesizer.
It provides a simple access to all important parameters! It is possible as VST and Standalone for PC 32/64 Bit and Mac as VST, AU and Standalone.
The “MicroKorg” parameters can be automated, they can be stored in your Project. With the X-Y-Pad any controller can be selected and controlled.
You can select the sound off the “MicroKorg” (Patch Number A11-b88).
The hidden parameter can be changed on the “MicroKorg Midi Editor”, an stored on MiroKorg Hardware.
MicroKorg Midi Editor is available for purchase for 5.90 EUR.
More information: Momo MicroKorg Midi Editor
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