Music Producer Vocals has launched with Pop Vocals 1, featuring a collection of 4 full vocal tracks with a total of over 200 samples.

Do you want exclusive, royalty free, professional singers in your music production? But you have no relationship with singers? Or do you think the singers you can hire are too expensive? Look no further! Music Producer Vocal’s first sample pack has

The royalty free pack contains dry, wet and semi-wet samples, including verses, chorus and pre-chorus, bridge, lead, doubles, harmony, ad-libs, and more.

Pop Vocals 1 is on sale at an introductory 25% discount, priced 29 EUR for a limited time. You can get a taste of the pack with a free demo pack with the chorus from demo song 1.

Additionally, Music Producer Vocals is giving away the full pack to 25 random subscribers who have signed up to its newsletter before the end of September. If you purchase the pack and get selected for a free pack, you will receive a refund.

More information: Music Producer Vocals