Novation has announced its new Launchpad, bringing RGB pads to the 8×8 grid controller.
Launchpad is already the iconic grid instrument for Ableton Live. It lets you launch clips, play drum racks and control your mixer, all using 64 pads. Simple and effective.
But imagine if the those pads also matched the colour of your clips. You’d be able to see at a glance exactly what you’re controlling, even when you’re banking around a huge session. Your live shows and videos would also look even more spectacular, because your Launchpad could light up in any colour.
Well, now it can.
We’ve upgraded Launchpad. We’ve made the pads fully RGB, so they automatically match the colour of your Ableton Live clips. We’ve also enhanced the whole unit. The new modernised body is a rich black colour, with a solid rubber base so it feels better to play.
More information: Novation / Launchpad