Modelonia is a novel physical-modelling synthesizer which uses a hybrid of two distinct model ‘types’- a plucked-string model, and a blown-bore (ie trumpet-type) model.
Each model may be used simultaneously, and the signal path allows cross-modulation between the two models for more interesting and complex tones.
Modelonia is designed to be the first compact multi-purpose virtual sythesizer which uses the physical-modelling technique as the only sound source and does not enhance it with multi-effects or sweepable filters (VFC in the Subctractive tradition), Modelonia sound shaping ability relies solely on physical-modelling.
Full price is 145 USD, but a special price of 99 USD is available for registered users of HarpTime, Microrock, Peti, EMM Knagalis and EVE.
A demo is available. Check NUSofting for more information and mp3 sound clips.