Ola Wistedt has announced version 2.0 of its free sample-based drum machine instrument for Windows.
It has a sequencer and a built in sample browser. It looks and “feels” like a classic (x0x) hardware drum machine.
TheDrumSource is designed with the purpose to be very simple and easy to work with even if you are used to work with hardware drum machines or not.
The sequencer has 24 sequences (16/32/64/128 bars) for your patterns.
Changes in TheDrumSource v2.0
- New sequencer engine (much more accurate).
- 16/32/64/128 sequences choosable for each pattern.
- Pan knobs.
- Swing mode on choosable channels.
- A sample package created by Mats Lindfors will be included in the installation.
- A preset to get started faster.
The plug-in is a free download for Windows (VST).
More information: TheDrumSource