Loopmasters has introduced a new sample pack featuring loops and one-shots drawn from the tunes of notable sea shanties and maritime folk song traditions played on a variety of woodwind instruments, including flutes, whistles and shawms.

Played and recorded both with complete melodic phrases intact, the same melodies of the songs in Woodwind Sea Shanties by Organic Loops are also broken up and rearranged in different ways using traditional ornamentation and melodic variation.

Highly rhythmic and full of catchy folk tunes, sea shanties were traditionally sung and performed in a call and response format, as working or hauling songs, both at sea and back on shore in inns and taverns. More recently, they have become popular both in films and soundtracks and also on the folk scene at festivals and traditional sessions, which is where Max picked them up over the years – listening to them being sung, learning the tunes, and then joining in with them himself!

The traditional woodwind instruments used in this pack are Wooden Olwell Flute, Bamboo Olwell Flutes, Bass Bamboo Flute, Wooden Renaissance Fife, Bass Whistle, Wooden and Metal Low Whistles, Tin Whistles, Tabor Pipe, Folk Shawms, and Clay Ocarina.

Woodwind Sea Shanties also contains folk percussion instruments such as frame drums, skin drums, tabor drums, and finger cymbals playing rhythmic loops designed to accompany the sea shanties and inspired by their feel.

The sample pack is available to purchase at the Loopmasters store for £29.95 GBP.

More information: Organic Loops / Woodwind Sea Shanties