Oscillicious has released version 1.3 of BeatCleaver, a major update of the beat slicing tool for Windows and Mac.

BeatCleaver is a beat slicing tool for sampling beats, recordings, and songs. Its intuitive design and fluid user interface create a fast, frustration-free workflow.
Slice templates and multiple export functions are just one click away, making music sampling with BeatCleaver easy and convenient.With the integration of a new, state of the art time stretching engine, BeatCleaver can now warp and pitch shift samples with precision. The Rubber Band time stretching engine allows musicians to change the tempo and pitch of a sample independently of one another while preserving important musical characteristics such as transient shapes. Combined with the existing slicing capabilities of BeatCleaver, musicians have more tools than ever before for recontextualizing and sampling music.
BeatCleaver 1.3 also introduces a new drag export mode, FLAC support, and on-the-fly chopping. Musicians can now drag sampled slices directly out of BeatCleaver and into a folder, their desktop, or a DAW. Lossless FLAC audio files can now also be read and sliced, and by popular demand, slicing directly at the
playback cursor is now possible during playback.
BeatCleaver for Windows and Mac is available to purchase for 24 EUR.
More information: Oscillicious / BeatCleaver