Oxe Music Software has released version 1.2.0 of Oxe FM Synth, a free FM synthesizer instrument for Windows.

Here is the version 1.2.0. It is mainly a bugfixing version. All annoying known bugs were corrected (I hope so).
I want to thank Layzer for the precious time he spent testing the GUI and making the first alternative skin.
Changes in Oxe FM Synth v1.2.0
- Fixed aleatory pops on envelop decay.
- Fixed sustain pedal not working.
- Fixed synth stuck after some time.
- Fixed out of tune problem when sample rate other than 44100Hz.
- Fixed incorrect save state.
- fixed program name editing.
- fixed vst host integration bugs.
- Better knobs behaviour.
- MIDI bank select using LSB as index.
- Embedded soundbanks (bank0 by “Nolwenn a.k.a Annabelle”, bank1 by “Summa” and “Teksonic”) [for convenience, existing soundbanks are loaded from the filesystem but not saved back in original file].
- No registry use.
- No installer.
- External skin support.
The plug-in is available for Windows (VST).
More information: Oxe Music Software