Pluggotic has released Necroloop, a freeware slicer effect plug-in for Windows PC.
Pluggotic Necroloop is a pseudo real-time stereo slicer for buffer-freaks.
..what does it mean? or why the “pseudo”, you might ask.
Necroloop is an effect that records incoming material in 8/16/32 slices and plays it back in horribly twisted ways with it’s live, sequenced editing tools. Necroloop only demands for incoming audio and a running host. Just load it as a common stereo insert fx and let anything run through, a drum loop, melodic instruments, vocals..or an entire mix.
Necroloop features
- Incoming audio is recorded in 8/16/32 slices.
- Forward and reverse playback modes.
- Various sequencers with 32 patterns to store sequences:
- “Loop Start” and “Loop End”, manipulate loop points of the 8/16/32 slices.
- “Jittering” sequencers control randomizations for “Loop Start” and “Loop End”.
- “Pitch” and “Pitch jittering”.
- “Multi-Fx”, control multi-fx’s parameters 1 and 2.
- The effect section features:
- Multimode filter (lp/bp/hp/notch).
- Bitcrushing.
- ring modulation, with a choice of four waveforms.
- Tons of chaos/randomize options.
Note: Necroloop has a fixed latency of one or two measures. The real time manipulation affects what has been recorded one or two measures before.
There is no information on Necroloop on the Pluggotic website at this moment.