Red Sounds has announced the release of Hot Chords for Cthulhu, a collection of chord progressions for the Cthulhu plugin by Xfer Records.

Red Sounds Hot Chords For Cthulhu

We analysed The Hot 100 Billboard charts and chose the most interesting and fresh sounding chord progressions used by superstar producers. Every preset contains form 19 to 70 chords (some presets are extra deep). 1372 chords in total (34 chords per preset average).

Melody notes were added to the chords in some presets. This way we are getting really wide palette of sounds. Sometime if feels almost like a sampling…

Presets are deep like never before, but all chords are in the same ballpark, so they can be mixed and rearranged in many ways. Massive source of inspiration for every genre. Presets can be used for: Future Bass, EDM, Hip-Hop, Future RnB, Future Pop, House, and others.

Hot Chords for Cthulhu is available for $19 USD.

More information: Red Sounds