reKon audio has released version 1.1.1 of VST-AU MKS-80 Editor, a real-time MIDI synth editor that allows you full control of every parameter of the sound on the Roland MKS-80™ Super Jupiter synthesizer.
Now you can utilize your MKS-80 to its full potential and build lasting and meaningful patches that will bring new life to your music. You can manage, view and edit all your patches on the computer itself without the hassle of manual dumps.
All parameters are fully automatable and you can even use your favorite VST or AU host, or use it stand-alone, giving you the ability to visually program the MKS-80 to your music via the host sequencer. This ability to model your synth patches in realtime, inside your main music production environment is part of what makes the VST-AU MKS-80 Editor™ unique when compared to other hardware synth editors. You may also use the standalone application if you do not need to work inside the host or if your host is not supported.
VST-AU MKS-80 Editor features
- Advanced Patch Librarian, rename patches, and even drag and drop patches from one slot to another. Now you can provide meaningful naming to your patches and organize them efficiently and save them as standard .fxp/.fxb files.
- Patch Randomizer, allows you to create patches randomly.
- MIDI Input and Output Monitoring, view all MIDI data coming into and out of the VST-AU MKS-80 Editor™. Easily switch between Input and Output views. You can even copy the data from the event logs for pasting and saving into standard text editors or other applications.
- MIDI Setup, select the MIDI input and output ports directly from within the editor itself. This allows you to send and receive MIDI system exclusive data, a feature not found in most VST-AU hosts or our previous product offerings. You are no longer limited by host system exclusive incapabilities. MIDI ports that are already in use by the host will show as ‘Not Available’, so it’s easy to avoid MIDI port selection mistakes and crashes. MIDI Setup also allows you to filter out specific MIDI data or toggle MIDI In and Out operations.
VST-AU MKS-80 Editor is available to purchase for PC and Mac (VST/AU) for $69.95 USD.
More information: reKon audio / VST-AU MKS-80 Editor
Doesn’t seem to be controllable from MIDI remote in Logic, with the acception of pitch bend and mod wheel. If you intend to control the plugin with the real mpg-80 or any other MIDI controller, and expect the knobs to move on screen, you will be disappointed. I would LOVE to be proved wrong!