After previously covering the synth sounds of Stranger Things, John Carpenter, and Twin Peaks, Justin DeLay is back with a new installment of the Synth Sounds of series covering the cinematic monolith Blade Runner.

In this video, Justin uses Ableton Live with a combination of old and new hardware as well as software to achieve the sounds from the movie.

Blade Runner’s cult status stems in no small part from its soundtrack. Crafted by famed composer Vangelis, a pioneer in the world of synthesis who made his first mark with Chariots of Fire, the soundtrack took an orchestral approach to the medium of synthesizers, setting another precedent for years to come.

Vangelis was famed for using the Yamaha CS-80, a lumbering early polysynth that runs north of 20 grand on today’s vintage market. It was the company’s flagship instrument of the day, and Vangelis reputedly had seven at his disposal while scoring Blade Runner.

The Synth Sounds of Blade Runner is available for download for Ableton Live, GarageBand, and as a Sample Pack from Reverb Sync.

More information: Reverb