Plugin Boutique has launched an exclusive limited time sale on Softube’s emulation of an iconic 3-band opto compressor. The Tube-Tech SMC 2B plugin is is offered at a 50% discount for a few days only.

Well-known for its remarkable high fidelity and extreme versatility, the SMC 2B is the choice of top engineers, producers, studios, and mastering houses worldwide. Softube have accurately modeled every component and stage of this supernatural three-band opto compressor and outfitted it with modern features.

Get the flexibility and fidelity you’ve been missing for your dynamic processing tasks, mix buses, and vocal, drum, and bass buses. It’s not an illusion. It’s the magic of the Tube-Tech SMC 2B Multiband Compressor.

Regularly priced $299 USD, SMC 2B for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU and AAX) is on sale for $149 USD until April 30th, 2024.

More information: Softube / Tube-Tech SMC 2B