The Very Loud Indeed Co. has announced a new Kontakt instrument library that aims to meet media composers’ demand for musical transitions.

Shift: Hybrid Scoring Transitions features a collection of 320 carefully crafted and curated musical transitions by veteran sound designer for videogames and The Very Loud Indeed Co.’s founder Richie Nieto.

SHIFT is a Kontakt instrument conceived to become an indispensable part of your toolbox. It allows you to bridge different sections of a music piece seamlessly and it covers multiple genres, from tense drama to frenetic action to bone-chilling horror. It contains 320 tempo-synced transitions, all of which have been designed to be stackable and played in any key.

All the transitions in SHIFT are automatically synced to the tempo of your DAW, and every one of them can be played across a range of one and a half octaves.

Available for the full version of Kontakt 6.7 or higher, Shift is on sale for the intro price $59 USD for a limited time (regular $99 USD).

More information: The Very Loud Indeed Co.