sonible takes a step forward in de-essing and plosive removal technology with the release of its latest smart series effect plugin.

smart:deess delivers more natural results thanks to the artificial intelligence powering detection and spectral processing, shaping the respective phonemes rather than just ‘turning them down’.

smart:deess tackles both sibilance and plosives at once, making it an essential tool for solving the two most common problems in vocal recordings. Thanks to its AI-powered processing, the plugin has only to be loaded on a track for it to start fixing a vocal recording in a way that’s tailored precisely to the source audio’s characteristics. smart:deess also provides a wide range of options for customizing its shaping strength and character.

smart:deess features

  • The most natural-sounding de-esser thanks to its AI technology.
  • De-essing and plosive reduction in one tool.
  • Real-time phoneme detection to identify sibilants and plosives.
  • Harsh sounds can be shaped, rather than ‘just turned down,’ via spectral processing.
  • Processes the entire sibilant from start to finish, without the need to set a threshold.
  • Handles different phonemes – S, Z, Sh, Ch, K, T, P – each with distinct processing.
  • Will automatically “re-ess” to improve any ‘dull’ and ‘lisping’ phonemes.
  • Huge range of options for customizing the processing.

smart:deess for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU and AAX) is now available at Sonible and from Plugin Boutique at an introductory price of 89 EUR until December 1st, 2023 (regular 129 EUR). Personalized upgrade pricing is available for existing sonible customers.