Sound Dust has released a new harmonic drum machine for Native Instruments Kontakt.

Designed to be playful and intuitive, Plankton Drummer features a collection of 72 tuned drum instruments, including acoustic and electronic classics. It comes with a complex multi sequencer and FX sequence lanes that can be set per note.

Combine the kick of a Roland 909 with a flabby Ludwig snare, percussion from the OPTIGAN and modular high hats. Quickly load a Reggaeton kick pattern and play it against the snare pattern of ’50 ways to leave your lover’ with trap hi-hats. Quantize the pitch to A# Bebop minor – THIS IS ALL POSSIBLE !

PLANKTON DRUMMER comes with 72 instruments, over 3000 samples, 107 single instrument presets patterns and 30 full blown snapshots that are entire tracks in themselves.

Available for the full version of Kontakt 5.8 or higher, Plankton Drummer is on sale for the intro price of £45 GBP until July 9th, 2023 (regular £60 GBP).

More information: Sound Dust