Sound Magic has announced its new virtual instrument Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial, featuring the sounds of a Bösendorfer 290SE grand piano.

Powered by the latest Neo Piano Hybrid Modeling Engine, Neo Piano Chapters aims at providing the highest quality piano sound with an affordable price.

Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial features one of the two piano sets of Imperial Grand, which is also one of Sound Magic’s oldest pianos, the nominee of 29th TEC Award. It samples from a Bösendorfer 290 Special Edition which has a famously rich and dark sound, the Bösendorfer 290SE establishes an incredible level of realism through hyper-detailed sound. From bass to highs, its rarity stands out across music genres ranging from new age to classical.

Available for Windows and Mac (VST/AU), Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial has a MSRP of $99 USD. It is on sale for the introduction price of $49 until April 21st, 2022.

More information: Sound Magic