Soundsauca has released a collection of 50 preset for the Micromonsta 2 dual polyphonic synthesizer from Audiothingies. Mojo features blazing arps, lazer leads, gooey basses, plucky plucks and stringy strings.
Mojo is a brand new sound bank for the awesome pint size synth that is Micromonsta 2. Whilst the rest of the synth world rejoices in new little gadgets from “Brand-X”, this little Monsta delivers a fully loaded response. It’s lean, mean and crucially possesses a cutting edge sound engine to back it up with.
With 12 voices, 3 oscillators, a plethora of LFOs and envelopes I wasn’t left wanting. But with that highly resonant filter and 10 slot mod matrix, there’s so much more that can be achieved that it’s staggering. However, staggered I was when I heard the reverb… lush man. Seriously people, it ain’t the size of your synth, it’s what you do with it!
The soundset is available for purchase for £9.99 GBP from the Soundsauca website.