Plugin Boutique is offering an 85% discount on Solid State Logic’s comprehensive and highly visual gating plugin, inspired by the workflow from SSL’s digital broadcast consoles.
The SSL X-Gate native plugin features a rolling waveform graph, mid/side processing options and tweakable hysteresis using independent open and closed thresholds.
X-Gate delivers a range of unique control features for extended sound sculpting – use the intuitive sidechain filter interface and mid/side balance options to focus the gate on unwanted sounds and leave the processed signal as natural or affected as you’d like. In addition to visual feedback including the hardware-inspired traffic light system for immediate visual confirmation of the gate’s current status, the rolling waveform visualisation graph provides an intuitive display of the incoming signal against which to set your open and close thresholds.
Ideal not only for sound design in the mixing stage, X-Gate introduces variable lookahead times and zero additional plugin latency at the lowest setting, making it the perfect tool for tracking situations where mic bleed can distract from the primary source material.
Available in VST/VST3, AU and AAX formats for Windows and Mac, SSL X-Gate is priced only $19.99 USD until February 25th, 2025.
More information: Solid State Logic / X-Gate