SampleScience has announced a 24-hour flash sale on its virtual instrument that is designed to bring the iconic drum machines of the ’80s back to life.

Offered at a 60% discount, Super Lynn Drums uses advanced FM synthesis, physical modeling and cutting-edge production techniques to recreate and enhance the legendary LM1, LM2, Linndrum, and Lin 9000 drum machines.

Designed for everyone from professional musicians to bedroom producers, Super Lynn Drums offers an intuitive interface that will have you laying down tracks in no time. The result? Drum tones that don’t just sound like they’re straight out of the 80s—they feel like it, too.
But we didn’t stop at authenticity. Our modern enhancements mean that each drum hit offers unparalleled clarity and depth, giving your tracks a rich, full-bodied sound that stands up to today’s production standards. Experience the nostalgia of the 80s with the quality and precision of the 21st century with Super Lynn Drums.

Regularly priced $20 USD, Super Lynn Drums for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU) is on sale for only $8 USD with discount code PRINCEDRUMS at the checkout.

More information: SampleScience / Super Lynn Drums