Plugin Boutique has launched an exclusive sale on Minimal Audio’s recent creative dual-stage reverberator plugin which offers a flexible and fun approach to reverb.

Offered at a 40% discount, Swarm Reverb is perfect for crafting expansive ambience, pumping spaces, and lush creative effects.

Distinct early and late reflection algorithms with hands-on controls make Swarm Reverb capable of generating spaces from room ambiance to endless spatial decays. Built-in ducking, tempo-synced pre-delay, stereo width control, and separate input and diffusion filtering ensure that each space fits seamlessly into your track. Features such as pre-delay feedback and real-time adjustable size enable you to push reverb to its limits and make Swarm Reverb a powerful sound design tool.

Available for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU and AAX), Swarm Reverb is on sale for $29 USD until January 22nd, 2024 (regular $49 USD).

More information: Minimal Audio