Terry West has released two new freeware effect plugins for Windows.
MHorse is a master channel processor.
MHorse features
- Bypass.
- EQ Bypass.
- Seperate In-Output gain with Pan.
- Output -3dB option.
- 13 graphic bands.
- 4 Q wide settings.
- Serial/Parallel EQ modes.
- Decardboard, Punch, Body and Shine (39K) modes.
- MS Clarity processor.
- NY compressor Solo + Motown eq.
- Tape saturator.
- DC remover.
- MS Stereo Widener.
- Lopass/hipass filters.
- EQ 12-10-8-6 dB switches.
- Invert output switch.
- Led output meters with peak/peakhold leds.
- Pan peak/correlation meter.
- Input/output Peak leds.
- Auto Gain Control for effects.
- Effects energy meters.
- Solo left/right channel.
- Tooltips.
MoJoe is an analog parallel equalizer effect plugin.
MoJoe features
- Bypass.
- 3 parallel bands with each 4 freq’s.
- 3 parallel independed saturators on each band.
- Vibe mode: MS processor, Tapenoise and Crosstalk emulation.
- Led output meters with peakhold and over leds.
- Tooltips.
- 14 presets.
Both plugins for Windows (VST) are available to download at no charge.
More information: Terry West