Thomas Mundt has released updates for the free LoudMax look-ahead brickwall loudness maximizer and LUveler loudness and dynamics modification plugin.
Both plugins have been updated with slightly improved inter sample peak transparency. Version 1.13 of LUveler for Windows and Linux also comes with better adaptation of the frequency-dependent response speed to the K-weighting curve.
LoudMax is a Look-Ahead Brickwall Loudness Maximizer Plugin with a clean transparent sound. It is designed to retain the original character of the music as much as possible even at high compression levels.
LUveler is a loudness and dynamics modification plugin compatible with the ITU-R BS.1770 specification. It provides a precise reduction of the dynamics and works as transparently as possible to maintain the sound quality even under heavy use of its compressors and limiters.
The plugins are free to download from the LoundMax and LUveler websites.