Florian Käding of kaedinger wrote in to share the news of an update to his WordPress plugin Audio Comparison, an easy to use tool that allows you to compare raw and mixed audio by switching seamlessly between files with the click of a button.

Finally a direct A/B comparison is possible on your website! You can showcase as many files on one page as you like, completely independent from each other. and they intereact with each other, so that no two files get played at the same time. All this with a simple shortcode!

Version 3 of the plugin now allows for 3-way A/B/C comparisons, as well as using it with a single file, making it the “simplest WP audio player” available.

A license of Audio Comparison is available for 49 EUR/USD (for personal use, small businesses and educational or non-profit organization) or 169 EUR/USD, and subscription options are available as well.

Furthermore, a free Lite version of Audio Comparison can be found in the WordPress Plugins directory.

More information: Audio Comparison