Triple Spiral Audio has launched a limited time promotion in celebration its 7 year anniversary.

Late August 2017 I launched my first soundset Beyond Dreams for Zebra. This soundset is not available anymore as I don’t find it up to par anymore, though I plan to redo it in some way when Zebra 3 comes out. Now we are 7 years later and a lot more soundsets and libraries have been released and I bless myself every day that I have such a lovely job in creating these sounds and seeing and hearing them used in all those amazing projects all over the world.

To celebrate, there is for 7 days a 7th Anniversary sale till 3 September.

For each add to the cart you will receive a 10% discount, with a maximum of 70% off when you add 7 or more products. The discount is applied automatically when you add products to the cart.

More information: Triple Spiral Audio