Triple Spiral Audio has announced a new soundset featuring 111 presets for the Omnisphere 2 virtual instrument from Spectrasonics.

Spirit Fields offers up a rich collection of dreamy and ambient arps and sequences, floating pads and textures, mysterious bells and soundscapes.

Spirit Fields provides you with a collection of beautiful, light and positive presets. This soundset is a sort of follow up from my previous Omnisphere 2 soundsets Empty Fields F2 and Springendal.

This soundset is inspired by my daily hikes and journeys into the beautiful nature area where I live and where I explore with my little son all the fascinating aspects of nature. The presets in Spirit Fields are a reflection of my experiences and feelings during those journeys.

An extended version contains a total of 222 presets, with each presets having an alternative version with the use of sound sources and FX from the Twisted Trees Sonic Extension.

Spirit Fields and Spirit Fields Extended are on sale at an introductory 25% discount until June 11th, 2024. Furthermore, Empty Fields F2 and Springendal for Omnisphere are 40% off during the promotion.

More information: Triple Spiral Audio / Omnisphere soundsets