Andrew Aversa from Impact Soundworks has published another tutorial video in which he transforms acoustic drums & percussion from Momentum: Acoustic Rhythmic Loops with stock plugins and simple automation to create cinematic pulses and rhythms.

Sometimes, “big and epic” is just… a little too much. Even for serious, dramatic soundtracks & scores. Instead, composers (myself included) will turn to all sorts of pulses and filtered rhythms. These add exciting movement and tension to a track without being overbearing.

While there are libraries dedicated to rhythmic elements like this, there are tons of ways you can create your own pulses & rhythms.

In the video, Andrew also uses Tape Sculptor for more creative sound design, and a touch of Juggernaut for some extra electronic drums. He also demonstrate how to use the free Vital synth plugin to create tonal elements like a bass pulse, sub-bass, and morphing drone.

More information: Impact Soundworks