Ugritone has announced the launch of its 2023 Summer Sale, offering discounts of up to 80% off on virtual drum instrument, MIDI grooves, effect plugins, and more.

Ever dreamt of standing in the spotlight, a guitar in your hands, the crowd cheering your name as you strum out earth-shattering, heart-throbbing beats? Ever craved that resonating boom of the drums, creating a symphony of thunderous rhythms that sends shockwaves of awe through every listener?

UGRITONE is here to make those dreams a reality – and without burning a hole in your pocket! We are slashing prices up to a mind-blowing 80%! YES, you read that right! 80% off on our premium collection of plugins, MIDI packs, and drum samples.

The recent Faster & Louder Drums is on sale for $29 USD (regular $79 USD). Other drum plugins are offered starting from only $9 USD, while MIDI packs are just $5 USD each during the promotion.

Additionally, use promo code REKKERD at the checkout to get an extra 20% discount on any order.

More information: Ugritone