Variety of Sound has announced the release of an update to its classic equalizer and preamp effect plugin for Windows.

BootEQ mkIV adds VST3 support, extensively modernizes DSP processing and introduces the latest in audio signal coloration.

BootEQ is a classic EQ and preamplifier combination. With four independent parametric EQ bands, it offers well selected and musical sounding EQ curves with both asymmetric and proportional curve behaviour. The unit offers elegant audio colouration capabilities with a dedicated preamp stage capable of adding harmonic overtones as well as pleasant tube and transformer based saturation effects.

In its 4th incarnation, the performance of all EQs and filters has been improved and further options has been added. BootEQ mkIV features authentic audio transformer circuitry in the preamplifier stage and the signal saturation effects can now be adjusted not only continuously, but also fully volume-compensated. The update adds VST3 support and also includes bug fixes and a revised manual is now available online.

BootEQ mkIV is available to download for free in VST/VST3 plugin formats for 32- and 64-bit Windows.

More information: Variety of Sound