Meat Beats has recently launched a virtual instrument featuring a collection of 70 authentic vinyl drum kits for house music, drawing from a 30-year history of sampling drum hits from an extensive DJ record collection.

Each of the 70 kits in Vinyl House Drums contains 8 unique drum and percussion samples, with the same pad layout per kit allowing for easy audition of different kits.

The 8 pads are mapped from C3 to G3 for compatibility with MIDI keyboard and pad controllers. Each sound has Level, Mute, Pan and Tune controls and an independent output routing for each sound so you can process and effect each sound separately in your DAW.

Includes multi-output versions of each kit with outputs already set to 1-8. This saves time in multi-output scenarios. because you don’t have to set the outputs every time you change the kit.

Available for Windows and Mac (VST/AU), Vinyl House Drums is a “name your price” download from $25 USD.

More information: Meat Beats