Pulse Audio has announced a limited time promotion on the Virharmonic’s Bohemian series of virtual instruments, which were created to free you to perform real string instrument performances fast, without the need to play the cello, viola or violin yourself.

To achieve realism, we recorded an unprecedented amount of samples for a solo instrument, but managing all this by loading individual patches would be slow and cumbersome and stifle inspiration. This is where the virtual performer comes in, controlling all the varied legatos, bow types and emotive expressions as you play, all from one patch and all in real time.

Regularly priced $249 USD each, Bohemian Cello, Viola and Violin are on sale for $149 USD each until September 6th, 2024. The plugins run on Windows and Mac in VST/VST3, AU and AAX plugin formats.

More information: Pulse Audio / Virharmonic