VZtec has recently released a free audio plugin in collaboration with Singletone. A digital recreation of its hardware counterpart, the Malibu reverb-tremolo allows you not only to incorporate the characteristic audio of the Malibu into your productions but also to remotely test the pedal from your home or studio.

The plugin has two modes of operation. The Original mode includes all the functionality as well as the characteristics of analog audio. The Extended mode offers extended functions typical of the digital world such as stereo input and output, zero noise floor, zero harmonic distortion, presets, and more.

Developed entirely in Argentina by VZtec in collaboration with Singletone, this plugin represents a true milestone in the industry, an analog audio effect with its respective digital twin.

The plugin is free to download for Windows, Mac and Linux in VST/VST3, AU, CLAP and LV2 formats.

More information: VZtec