Wrongtools has announced the release of an extremely versatile, lively sounding vintage drum set for the full version of Native Instruments Kontakt.

Perfect for crafting grooves across a large spectrum of genres, Fjordheim Drums brings the sounds of a Rogers Holiday 1968 vintage drum set, deep-sampled with brushes, sticks and mallets and recorded through a collection of vintage mic and ribbons, Neve and Trident preamps.

Experience the combination of over 20 years of experience recording vintage drums, a world class drummer, great acoustics and cutting-edge sampling technology.

Fjordheim Drums bring programmed drums to life. And could set a new epitome of realism in drum sampling.

Fjordheim Drums is available pre-order for 49 EUR until November 21st, 2023 (regular 99 EUR).

More information: Wrongtools