Virharmonic has introduced a light version of its Bohemian Cello, the Virtual Performer-powered instrument created to help you to perform real cello performances with ease.

Offered at at a much lower price point, Instant Cello contains the same technology, including a vast array of multi dynamic legatos.

Part of an expanding series of performers, the Instant Cello is a Light Edition of the Bohemian Cello, which was created to free you to perform real Cello Performances fast, without the need to be a cellist yourself.

To achieve realism, we recorded an unprecedented amount of samples for a solo instrument, but managing all this by loading individual patches would be slow and cumbersome and stifle inspiration. This is where the virtual performer comes in, controlling all the varied legatos, bow types and emotive expressions as you play, all from one patch and all in real time.

Designed for playing melodic legato with no fuss, the instrument features 3 moods which change the play style. The Instant Edition lets you select articulations only by the Virtual Performer based on your play style.

Available for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU and AAX), Instant Cello is on sale for the intro price of 49 EUR (regular 99 EUR).

More information: Virharmonic