de la Mancha has released Bent, a freeware circuit-bent resynthesis VST effect for Windows PC.
It will recreate the incoming audio into an approximation of itself using a waveform-morphing audio oscillator. Depending on the volume and pitch of the audio, it will gate, stutter and morph the output in sync with your host tempo.
Bent features
- jitter – probability of the tempo-sync gating.
- morph – probability of the tempo-sync osc waveform morphing.
- grain – depth of the tempo-sync granulator effect.
- tune – master pitch of the outgoing audio
- 0 = on pitch.
- -1 = 1 octave below.
- x = broken setting, switches between 0 and -1 depending on a combination of the jitter & morph sliders.
- amp – master output volume.
Note: The gate, morph and grain effects all work at a selection of tempo-sync rates, depending on the pitch & volume of the incoming audio.
Visit de la Mancha for more information.