Parallelogram has announced its mlrv 2.0 a hypersampling instrument for grid-based music controllers like the monome, livid ohm/block, novation launchpad, and akai apc/mpd.

the software allows a sound file or live recording to be mapped across each row (or grid cell) and assigned a triggering behavior. within this simple set of constraints and a complete MIDI + OSC remote control system, the performer of electronic music can be freed from the laptop, and at the very least appear to be doing something interesting. mlrv is an refactoring of brian crabtree’s original mlr, extended by trent gill (galapagoose) and michael felix (%) of /parallelogram/

mlrv 2.0 is open source software. It will be available to download at no cost on 1 February, 2011. Two additional licenses are available to purchase as well: +supporter at $18 USD, +benefactor for $80 USD.

  • +supporters and +benefactors get their names displayed on the loading screen.
  • +benefactors get the added bonus of having their names shown in huge text.
  • +benefactors also receive a limited edition galapagoose + % collabo 7″ vinyl record.

Visit parallelogram for more information.