HoRNet Plugins has announced an updated to TheNormalizer, a gain plugin designed to help you get proper gain staging and set each track of your mix and each bus to the level you want automatically.
It’s the plugin that encapsulate our auto-gain technology in a single package, with TheNormalizer you can automatically gain stage all of your tracks thanks to the grouping function or you can normailize your buses to the LUFS you want, also if you need to meet some maximum peak specification you can also normalize to the specific dBFS level.
Version 1.3.0 adds Apple Silicon M1 support. It also fixes a problem where the GUI was not scaling correctly on Windows with HiDPI monitors, and the VU meter normalization being off by 0.5 dB has been corrected.
TheNormalizer is available for Windows and Mac in VST/VST3, AU and AAX formats, priced 9.99 EUR. The update is free for owners of the plugin and can be downloaded from the user area at HoRNet Plugins or by using the HoRNet DoIn downloader installer.
More information: HoRNet Plugins