WireGrind has announced the release of a new effect plugin that is designed to enhance musical rhythms.
TapSkip multiplies the input audio’s rhythm with its own internally generated patterns. The resulting output contains more notes and also new more-complex rhythms.
TapSkip is named after its two parameters “Taps” and “Skips.” A tap is an echo, and a skip is a silent echo (it’s skipped). The taps and the skips are mixed together to produce a series of beats and non-beats. This is how it generates rhythm. TapSkip uses blue squares on a track to visualize the taps. The skips are depicted as white dots.
With traditional delay effects, the loudness of each echo decreases sequentially. TapSkip uses a similar scheme, but it also has the ability to shuffle the order of the levels. This adds additional variation to the generated rhythms.
Available for Windows (VST3), TapSkip is on sale for the intro price of $24 USD / 23 EUR until March 6th, 2025 (regular $45 USD / 43 EUR).
More information: WireGrind