Precisionsound has released PS20 – Vintage Digital, a sample library for HALion Kontakt & SoundFont featuring the sounds of the Roland MKS-20.
In the -80ties the typical sound of a real acoustic piano and electric pianos was produced by the “Real thing” or the “Roland MKS-20”, those where the days long before multisampled multivelocity sound libraries like our Dusty Electric MK II or the “Pianoteq” physical modelling software.
The Roland MKS-20 was based on a technique called structured adaptive synthesis, an early form of physical modelling.
PS20 features
- All 8 MKS-20 presets sampled in full range from –A to C7 (Piano 1, Piano 2, Piano 3, E-Piano 1, E-Piano 1, Clavi, Harpsichord, Vibraphone).
- Up to 6 velocity layers and 4 samples in each velocity layers per octave.
- 1,200 24bit mono WAV files and 8 programs in NI Kontakt, HALion and SoundFont format (16bit).
- The SoundFont version is 100% compatible with Gigastudio, EXS24 and all virtual samplers supporting the SoundFont format on both MAC and PC.
PS20 – Vintage Digital is available for download for $49 USD (+$11 USD for optional CD-Rom).
More information: Precisionsound / PS20 – Vintage Digital