dlab has released Audio Plugin Generator, a rapid prototyping tool for audio engineers.
The Audio Plugin Generator is a great prototyping tool for audio algorithms, allowing to create VST plugins within minutes. Plugins are generated in an automated process from Simulink models, which enables DSP engineers to develop algorithms using a clean and easily understandable representation.
The generated VST plugins give access to parameters and signals of the underlying model. This means that parameters can be tuned in real-time and signals can be analyzed graphically. Furthermore, signals can be logged to a file, which can be used for offline analysis and easy creation of test cases.
Audio Plugin Generator is available to purchase for 1000 CHF. A free Lite version (1 input, 1 output) is available to download upon registration. Note: the software requires MATLAB with Simulink and DSP System Toolbox, Real-Time Workshop or Simulink Coder, Visual Studio (2008/2010_ or Visual Studio Express, and a VST Plugin host.
dlab has also released the free APG Composer app for iOS.
This app combines a 3-voice FM synthesizer with an implementation of the Logique Analogique sequencer, which triggers notes when a weighted sum of different signals exceeds a threshold.
The app was created from a Simulink* model without writing app-specific code, using the Audio Plugin Generator source code.
More information: Audio Plugin Generator