monstrumMedia has released version 2.95 of its monstrumWaveXT editor plugin for the Waldorf Microwave II, XT and XTk.
Newly added features include selective randomization with the ability to lock/unlock sections (LFO1, OSC2, Wave Env, etc) for randomization, Waveform Shapers for additive and subtractive waveform synthesis, save and load waveform from file and many more.
Changes in monstrumWaveXT v2.95
- Selective parameter randomizer which allows you to lock/unlock sections (LFO1, Wave2, Free Env, etc.) for randomization.
- Generate then print or mix Waveform Shapers.
- Shift waveform amplitude.
- Limit positive/negative amplitude.
- Negate waveform amplitude.
- Negate waveform time.
- Save/Load waveform to binary file.
- Implemented several feature requests and bug fixes.
monstrumWaveXT is available to purchase for $79 USD.
More information: monstrumWaveXT