Nebula HS Reverb

Acustica Audio has released an exclusive free version of Nebula in celebration of Hispasonic‘s new website. (Hispasonic is a popular Spanish audio-related forum).

Nebula HS Reverb (Hispasonic Edition) uses the innovative engine of Nebula 3 to offer several reverb presets, from rooms to halls, plates or churchs.

Visit Acustica Audio to learn more about Nebula 3.

The GUI of Nebula HS Reverb is in Spanish (and so are the preset titles), so the following might be helpful:

  • Hab = Room
  • Iglesia = Cathedral/church
  • Muelles = Spring
  • Placas = Plate
  • Sala = Hall
  • Saxo = Sax (instrument)
  • Voz = Vocal/voice

If you already own a commercial Nebula product, you can load the programs directly into those plugins as well.

Note (for those who read Spanish): a tutorial and an interview with Acustica Audio developer Giancarlo Del Sordo.